Friday, August 30, 2019

Review: The Ballad of Sandy McNab

The Ballad of Sandy McNab by Colin Mackenzie is an interesting children’s book with a very different art style. The back of the book claims that this book will be available as a children’s song (I have not looked for it as of yet). The way the book flows definitely lends itself to being a song.

A little green crab is minding his own business in his home when a shark shows up. The shark tries to trick the crab into going outside by asking him to come out and play. When the crab refuses the shark breaks in and tries to attack him. The little crab is quicker than the shark and pinches it until the shark leaves. With the shark gone the little crab can live peacefully again.

It is hard to pick out just one thing as my favorite when I think the entire book is great. The little crab pinching the shark’s nose made me smile and a whale swallowing the shark was an ironic twist I was not expecting. As for what I did not like, its not exactly a complaint this time but more of something that people should be aware of when getting a book (or anything really) that is not from their country. On two pages there was a word that just felt wrong to me. One was “barmy” which given the context I believe means stupid. The other was “nippers” which I believe to be claws. While this is not a problem with this book people (like myself) should be prepared for language differences.

Parents will enjoy reading this short book to their children and may find that is is difficult to read it without singing it or adding emphasis on the verbal patterns. Also as children get older this is a book that they will still enjoy reading themselves. I give this children’s book a 4 out of 4 rating like so many others. The story is not overly long or detailed and the author clearly took time to structure a story around the rhymes. It keeps a steady rhythm that is frequently hard to accomplish. The story itself is cute with a crab besting a much larger opponent.

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