Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Casual Review: Two Past Midnight - Secret Window, Secret Garden by Stephen King (Four Past Midnight)

I will admit this is one of the few books that I have read after watching the movie. I was not impressed by the movie at all and had high hopes that the book would be better, as is usually the case. This time I was somewhat wrong. While the book was better than the movie, it still was not good. It is a rare occurrence when I do not like something that Stephen King writes but this one just was too confusing. I understood what was happening and why, but oddly enough I felt as if Stephen King did not explain how it happened quite well enough to satisfy me.

After recently getting divorced an author goes to his old lakeside house unsure of how long he is going to stay there, while his ex-wife takes over their old house. It is here that he is confronted by someone claiming that he is the original author of a story that was published a few years back and is demanding that things be made right. The author slowly starts to fall victim to paranoia and go crazy, leaving to question was he crazy before or after the appearance of the man accusing him of plagiarism.

That was an extremely vague summary of this short story but like with much of Stephen King's work, I am afraid of saying too much and spoiling some shocking twists for those who have not yet read it. Sadly I only give this short story 2 out of 4.


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